Thursday, April 29, 2010


I can't believe where everyone is right now.  Macey is in BrazilStef went to Israel. Intense..
I've got friends all over this planet :)

If only I could go somewhere exciting.  Ha.  Well Salt Lake tomorrow...
Look at this.  So pretty.  

So my life has been so JAM PACKED with birthdays its been crazy!  Kri, Ky, Mama, Marg, Rach, and now guess who's turn it is...
This little beauty.  Otherwise known as Brook.  Boosnaps. Booberry Muffin. Brookiedoodlepie.  Boo. Brookie. Booseph. Sparky. Sparks. She is the best girl.  

I realize this blog post is all over the place but that seems to be the pattern my life is taking right now. I moved into a new apartment this week!  I now live with my good friend Lisa.  I finally TODAY got all my stuff unpacked and organized for the most part. I figured I should start out the summer with some sheets on my bed. I've been sleeping in a bed with no sheets for 3 days. It's not as bad as you would think...I'm only 20...I can sleep anywhere on basically anything.

And I believe I owe a certain boy named Corbin a shout out...whiner..
Just kiddin. Miss you guys.
Well I'm out. Time for a little movie with my girls. :)

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